
The cost of doing a course

Cost of course

Once you decide to start exploring the world of spraying you become aware that there are costs involved. No more spending a fiver on a roller, some of this stuff is quite expensive. The first thing that you will look at is the sprayer.

Oh wow, it’s a mine field, there are loads of sprayers out there, big ones, small ones, airless, HVLP, conventional. Three stage, four stage and five stage turbines, whatever that means. There are sprayers for £200 and sprayers for £2000.

Which is best?

Then there is the advice that is out there. Conflicting and confusing. Some people will tell you to get a cheap airless from Screwfix and some will tell you to spend thousands. Some will tell you it’s a waste of time and some will tell you it’s the future.

So, you decide that before you do any buying you will do a course. The best course to get into airless spraying is our 2 day City and Guilds Intensive Airless which is £520 plus VAT, that’s £624 if you are not VAT registered yourself and £520 if you are.

That’s a fair sum pf money if you are a small business. Now of course I will tell you that you will get the money back on one job that you decide to spray but that does not help you now.

So, what do you do?

Download Now: The Ultimate Guide To Spraying [Free Template]

PayPal Credit

Well one of the things you can do when you book the course is pay it over 4 months using PayPal credit. This is interest free and means that you pay £156 for your first payment which is much more manageable.

Once you have done the course, we will discuss with you which sprayer is the most suitable for your business. In many cases you can buy a professional airless pump for £600 and this will get you going with your first few jobs. These too can be bought over a period of time. Many suppliers will let you put the machine on your account, and you can pay it off over a number of months.

As decorators we tend to be a little shy when it comes to investing in our businesses. When I am spraying on the student apartments it is quite common for the Joiner to come into the room and watch me spraying for a while. I will spray a room out in about 6 minutes. He nods with approval and asks me how much I have spent on my sprayer.

I have a Tritech T7 and it was £2300, I tell him this and he says something like “sounds good” he is not phased at all. He has £15 grands worth of Festool in the back of his van, he has to spend this kind of cash otherwise he could never compete in the marketplace and make the money that he makes.

You can’t beat buying the latest gadget

Once you have been down the spraying road for a while, the sums of money seem smaller and more manageable and before you know it you have 4 sprayers in the back of the van and you enjoy splashing out on the odd new gun once in a while. You just can’t beat getting the latest gun, even if it did cost £150.


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